Welcome To My Web Site
My birthday was on the 1st of July ...  I turned 49 again! ....  If you have any questions or suggestions about any information on my web site, please email me at the address below, Thanks ......  Please spend some time reviewing the 'My Notes on the Bible' section ...  God will Bless You For It....  He Really Will! Honest! 
My web Site for ReEntry & the Homeless: www.IndyHelpers.com
My web Site for Veterans Support: www.VeteransSupportCouncil.com
My web Site for Homeless Advocates: www.IndysHomelessAdvocates.org

My web Site for Homes (Investment Properties): www.HRHHP.com
My High School: Harry E. Wood High School - Classmates Information
My Other Web Sites:
  Hands of Hope Ministries | HI Disposal Systems | BH Productions

Don Earl Hawkins
born Monday the 1st of July 1946 at 08:06 A.M. to:
Earl Woodrow Hawkins & Fern Marie Sinders
My sisters, dropped in a few years later.
Judy Ann Hawkins-Williams & Nona Sue-Hawkins-Reecer
in Indianapolis, Indiana USA

Old Don

916 E Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA
Office: 317-635-0500 | Home: 317-687-0500 | Cell: 317-632-0500  |  Fax: 317-631-0500
Personal Web Site: www.DonHawkins.com |
Email Address: Mr@DonHawkins.com

W h a t  W e  D o !

     We support the Holy Trinity
God | Jesus Christ | Holy Spirit

Please Don't Forget to go to
Church this Week, and Don't Forget
to Pray & Read Your Bible Daily!

  For additional information
  on the Bible, please click on
"My Notes on the Bible"
    We Support Our Men in Our Armed Forces
The Good Old U.S.A. and the U.S.M.C.

To view our countries important papers and
information on our government,
please click on "My Country's Info"

We Work With and Support:
Hands Of Hope Ministries
Providing a warm meal & clothing to the homeless
every Saturday in downtown Indy.
For additional information,
please visit:


We Work With & Support:
Homeless & ReEntry Helpers

The web site for businesses,
 volunteers, teachers, tutors,
mentors, case workers,
specialists and HELPERS of all kinds.

We Tried to Offer a Next Generation Technology to the
Medical & Hazardous Waste Industry but could not raise the money to build it.

HI's PBPV System

(Plasma-Based Pyrolysis/Vitrification Technology)
You Reduce, Reuse & Recycle - We'll Process the Rest!
HI's PBPV System equals:
Waste ¦ more Energy ¦ cleaner Environment
For additional information,
please visit:

The opinions on my web site are mine, and mine alone.
Not my family's, Not my friend's, Not my co-worker's, Nor my God's!
If you want someone else's opinion, check these out!
Believe me, I know that God has not been happy with some of the things
 I have done here on Earth, but I am now working very hard to do better,
 because I want to go to Heaven with you!

Copyrighted © 1992-2015 by Don E Hawkins, 916 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA - All Rights Reserved
(Revised 28Apr14 at 1130)